

Piedmont Orthopaedic does Hometown Yoga

hometownyogalogoAt Piedmont Orthopaedic Complex, we are constantly reminding our patients of the importance of staying active and encouraging them to dedicate at least a little time for personal fitness each day. But with family, careers and everything else, our schedules are overwhelmed and it can be a real struggle to find the time. Even for those of us in the health care field who should "know better" sometimes struggle to stay on track. Thanks to Piedmont's massage therapist, Stephanie Owens, many of us have started to work out together during our lunch breaks to keep things fun and help stay focused. This Wednesday we invited Rachel from Hometown Yoga to host a brief 30-minute class to break things up and learn something new. We had a such a great time and highly recommend the awesome girls at Hometown Yoga! You can find their schedule here (they even have some "lunch break" classes you can fit in!). In fact, we were so inspired we have decided to do a YOGA GIVEAWAY to one of our patients or Facebook Fans.  Stay tuned to our Facebook Page for a special giveaway announcement on Monday!

Piedmont Orthopaedic Complex does yoga

Hear what we had to say about yoga:

"It stretched my mind as well as my body!" - Sherri

"Really enjoyed it. Very informative breathing for exercise." - CC

posted 05/01/2017 in Blog

Tags: sports medicine


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